Telugu Church and Telugu Christian Fellowship
The Telugu Church and Telugu Christian Fellowship (TCF) in Chantilly, Northern Virginia, Maryland, and the Washington DC regions is an inclusive community for Telugu-speaking individuals from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and other parts of India. TCF Church is characterized by the gentle presence of God in its worship services, joyful praise, warm camaraderie, and meaningful teachings from the Bible. It fosters an environment of unconditional acceptance, where individuals can develop spiritually through dynamic worship, genuine friendships, ongoing prayer, and compassionate outreach. Embracing the mission of sharing the Gospel worldwide, TCFVA motivates Telugu Christians to establish fellowships and churches to disciple followers of Jesus Christ, thereby fulfilling the great commission and gathering a plentiful harvest of souls before His return.
Seeyonu Geethalu
Andhra Kristhava Keerthanalu
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